Another FSED completion in the books. Christmas Festivities at South Shore ER (Santa Claus and Reindeers not part of the original Signage Package).

In working closely with Dr. Suchmor Thomas and his staff, BB&W Architects congratulates his team on the opening of their new free-standing emergency center in League City at 3016 Marina Bay Drive.

South Shore ER is a 24/7/365 free-standing emergency medical care facility licensed by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services with computerized tomography (CT) and digital X-Ray radiology services and an in-house laboratory. The facility encompasses 7 exam/treatment rooms which contain pediatric rooms, OB/GYN rooms, and 2 observation suites. For more information on South Shore ER, visit

BB&W provided full architectural services and collaborated with Dr. Thomas’ contracted interior designer for interior finishes and furniture selection. In addition, BB&W led the regulatory licensure process required by TX HHS to reopen this previously licensed (but formerly abandoned and closed) FSED facility.

As part of our services to gain regulatory approval, BB&W conducted two full-blown “mock inspections”, testing all the existing building space requirements, mechanical/electrical/plumbing systems, fire-alarm, and low-voltage systems as the actual HHS inspector would. BB&W has developed a comprehensive checklist of common deficiencies and HHS requirements over our 25+ years of experience in designing healthcare facilities of all types and in working with TX HHS. As a result, the actual inspection resulted in zero deficiencies and passed on the 1st attempt.